Choosing the right social media platform for your business

Are you wondering -  What social media platform(s) should my business be on? How do I know which social media platforms to use for my business? Should I be on ALL popular social media platforms or only a few? 

I know that these questions are only some of the MANY questions that you face in your business but I want to talk to you about this BECAUSE its significance and impact are usually overlooked. 

Before you dive in, first read THIS!! I talked about how most business owners get it wrong when it comes to their social media platform choices and end up wasting so much time, energy and effort with zero results to show for it + WHY this is so detrimental to your business. Learn what they do wrong, so you don’t have to! 

Instead of just blindly following what everyone else is doing, you should make an informed decision and follow what's right for YOU and your BUSINESS. So let’s dive right into the 4 steps for choosing the right social media platforms for your business. 

1 Beat the pressure

By far the biggest mistake you could make is to follow the masses and pick the “obvious choice” or try and be “everywhere”  at the same time without prioritizing one or a few platforms. But many business owners do exactly this, and that’s where they go wrong - read more on that here, if you haven’t yet. 

Business owners that decide to go this route and try to show up on 5+ platforms all at once usually end up burnt out, lose all motivation or completely give up along the way. These efforts fail because of the incredible amount of time and effort that it requires.

While I can understand the pressure from your peers and the appeal of trying to be everywhere all at once, let’s get that out of the way right now -  there's no way you can do that successfully & consistently. You can't possibly show up on 5+ different platforms with the same level of energy and quality on a weekly basis and keep it going for years to come. We all have limited resources in terms of energy, time & attention so you need to pick and choose where you invest them and do it wisely.

It is also impossible that 5+ platforms ALL align with your preferred way of communication and that you are mastering all of them. This is a less talked about point.. if you're not loving the way a platform requires you to show up on it then don’t try and force it as you’ll never be able to sustain it long-term. There's so many platforms and ways to create touchpoints for your business out there to choose from, I'm sure that you'll find one that works for your business and you.

So the secret here is strategically choosing and prioritization a platform that works for your business AND you. So rather than trying to do everything at once, or blindly following what everyone else is doing, or forcing yourself to do something every day that you dislike…. BE SELECTIVE with your time and efforts and PRIORITIZE. Select 1, 2 or max 3 platforms that you prioritize over all other platforms so you can focus on showing up on that one platform but do it so amazingly, authentically and incredibly well that it makes all the difference. 


I’m Agnes, your strategic partner and I specialize in helping business owners confidently and successfully book their DREAM high-value clients.

For 5+ years I’ve worked in professional consulting services, crafting and executing custom-made solutions for clients, problem-solving on the daily and managing projects worth millions. I’ve spent years mastering the method that large companies use to charge premium prices that clients are happy to pay. And now I can help you do the same as a small business owner.

With my expert guidance, I’ll help you strengthen and position your business the right way in order to attract and book high-value clients who happily pay premium pricing. I provide guidance and 1:1 support with strategy creation for building your strong foundation and clear and targeted messaging and hands-on support with bringing it all to life. 

If you don’t want to miss out on high-paying clients and leave money on the table your first step is easy - book a free 1:1 session with me here - let’s chat!


2 What you should focus on instead

So, where should all your efforts go? How do you prioritize? Where to invest your precious time? Want to know the secret that drives your decision here? It’s your target audience! 

Your choice of platform, and where you choose to prioritize your time and your efforts completely depends on your audience. It only makes sense to choose the platforms that your audience is on and where they go to find advice. Without your target audience on the platform, there is no point. There's no point in selecting a platform that sounds trendy or that everyone is on if your target audience doesn't use it and that's not the place where they go to find advice or entertainment.  

So many business owners choose trendy social media platforms simply because they're trendy. They don’t  even think twice if that’s relevant for their target audience. 

And this will not always be 100% wrong. Sometimes following the masses will work out simply because that’s where the masses are and because you got lucky. BUT it will not ALWAYS be right and it will not be right for EVERYONE. Be aware that this is not the right approach and don't just assume that your audience is on trendy platforms. Take the time to consider your audience first, it’s definitely worth your time.

So start by clearly defining your target audience and then work to really understand them too. This is the most important part of the process so don’t skip it! 

Defining your target audience means being very clear on their demographics and other characteristics that are easily observable. Understanding your target audience is a more complicated task as you will need to know their needs, their habits and their behavior. But only through understanding their behavior, you can start to identify which platforms to prioritize for your business. 

So in short, you need to have clarity on who your audience is in order to start to understand their behavior, where they hang out and where they go to look for advice in order to select the right social media platform accordingly. 

But wait, there’s 2 more steps!


Bringing your vision to life through a strategy-led approach

Our Signature Experience is an all-in-one service to help you successfully raise your rates and confidently book your dream clients!

Tailored solutions - All businesses are not alike so we also offer completely tailored solutions that fit your business needs specifically in order to help YOU reach your goals.

Who is this for

Business owners who want to start demanding their worth, confidently book their dream (high-value) clients and scale their business to the next level.

What you get

  • Strategic partnership - Bringing 5+ years of experience in the consulting domain working with industry-leading companies.

  • Personal 1:1 support - Guidance and 1:1 support every step of the way for a smooth and stress-free process.

  • Clarity & structure - Clarity and structure of the process through consultations, guided questionnaires and checklists + project management done-for-you.

  • Feel heard - 1:1 interactions and feedback & revision opportunities to ensure that you feel heard and understood and that we’re meeting your expectations.

  • Materials & support for success - At the end of the project you’ll receive all the resources and materials as well as personalized implementation and tutorial calls for your long-term success.

  • Long term value - Clarity, structure and resources for guiding decision- making, appealing to your ideal audience and supporting your business for years to come.


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Choosing the right social media platform for your business (continued)


Why the “obvious choice” for social media platforms isn’t always right